There is so much to be said about the camaraderie between employees gathering away from the work environment— where something wonderful, truly magical unfolds. A trusting space of warmth, love and goodness is created when professionalism is forgotten, and we laugh, sing, dance, hug, and do funny faces. We will surely get caught chuckling to ourselves each time the memory of this night steals our thoughts. And yes, we had our very own Billy Joel (Von) with “Uptown Girl”, Gloria Gaynor (JaNean) with “I will Survive”, and Shades Mike as “himself”. We 💗 characters!
— These valuable beings structurally enforces our company strength and I am so lucky to have them at my side…Celeste Cooper

once in a lifetime journey #luckywelivehawaii
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Mike as "Himself"
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Our Very Own Von as Bill Joel in "Uptown Girl"
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Our Very Own JaNean as Gloria Gaynor "I Will Survive"